Website Hosting

Whenever you’re building a website on WordPress or any other type, you have probably come across the term shared website hosting. Along with choosing a CMS like WordPress to build your website, there comes picking a quality web hosting provider for your site. Even though many new website owners think that the CMS is the only thing important for the look and success of a website, the quality of the web host adds up to the essence and quality of the site.

In fact, unreliable WordPress website hosts will be responsible for creating a poor user experience and also jeopardize the security of your website, unable to protect it from data breaches. On the other hand, choosing a quality WordPress web hosting provider for your website will ensure you an improved performance, uptime, security and extra features to grow and be successful.

So, you might have a bit too much choice once you decide you should go for a web hosting optimized to run WordPress. There are so many WordPress hosting options out there, so how can you pick the right one for you? Well, it’s all about going to a WordPress hosting 2023 solution that will offer you the top features.

Since, we, at Cloudstrada, what to offer

The best web hosting service to our customers and clients, our WordPress hosting features are
the following:


Easy to Use Control Panel and Simplicity

Cloudstrada is a WordPress hosting of the future because we want to provide a straight forward solution to issues. So, we aim to replace the complexities that come with hosting on traditional hosting providers with an approach focused on usability. Some of the perks that come as a part of WordPress hosting are: One-click install; cPanel simple to navigate; Auto-backups.


Website Migration and Support

If you need to transfer your WordPress website from another web host to Cloudstrada, we offer you this service at a cost. We’ll provide full time support throughout the migration and ensure you have all that you need for a fresh new start.


Top Speed

Your website will load fast whenever a user tries to access your site. The reason for this is the placement of our servers in Frankfurt, Germany. We are 3ms and 4 hops away from Cloudflare which makes your website loading time super fast.

Therefore, websites that would like to rank high in Europe can use our web hosting services to get supercharged speed of their website.

Since speed is a ranking factor for Google, by investing in our web hosting services, websites can keep a step ahead of their competitors.


Full-time Customer Support

What is the best way to show our customers that we care about them?

Our motto is: -By being there for them all the time. Tech experts at Cloudstrada will always be available for you to help you overcome any potential issues. In fact, you’re just a call away from the best WordPress hosting provider.

Web Hosting

We’re got the perfect hosting plan for your next server, website, app, platform, or blog – all backed by your award-winning 24/7 support.